Matching Accuracy Rated Pointwise by Lenient Expert


In this page: * purpose * principle * content


This database was created as part of the IITiS-MECH project, within the European CRIT-2 research programme. It contains a forensic expert's evaluation of local similarities between fragments of dynamic toolmarks. The database is placed in the public domain for the benefit of any researchers who may wish to develop comparison techniques emulating the expert's judgment.


A number of striated toolmarks were photographed, and a straight line was placed manually across the striae in each image. A program then projected a rectangular area around the line into a 1D domain, to obtain a crossection or profile of the toolmark. Another algorithm analyzed the profile to identify salient local maxima of its derivative. A 32*32 pixel square window around each such salient point is considered a feature.

All the features found in all toolmark images used in the study were compared to each other by a forensic expert. The expert was presented two features at a time and asked to declare them similar, dissimilar, or undecidable. He also had the option of skipping some of the feature pairs.

The expert was instructed to rate similarity based on local feature appearance only, and not to use extraneous information such as his own memory of the entire toolmarks.


The database contains can be downloaded as complete file and contains :

Notes on file formats:

Format of .pic files

Each file contains 512*512 greylevel pixels in a raw binary format. No header, 8 bits per pixel.

* purpose * principle * back to content

Format of .prz files

These are plain ASCII text files. The format of each line of text is as follows:
FILENAME n xb yb xe ye p1 .... pn
name of a picture file (.pic) containing a toolmark
number of striae (stripes) identified in the toolmark
xb, yb, xe, ye
beginning and ending coordinates of a line representing a crossection of the toolmark.
p1 ... pn
position of the center of each stria, measured along the crossection line. Zero is located at (xb, yb).

* purpose * principle * back to content

Format of .out files

Each < name >.out file corresponds to a < name >.prz file. It contains an N*N table of char (1-byte) values, where N is the total number of fragments defined by the relevant .prz file (N = sum of all n values in the .prz file).
  p1,1 ... p1,n1 p2,1 ... p2,n2 ....... pm,1 ... pm,nm
p1,1 N*N cells with values 0 through 4.
Values have following meanings:
0 not checked
1 matching
2 not matching
3 don't know
4 skipped
(Note: The headers are added here for clarity. The file only contains the N*N numbers, stored as bytes.)

* purpose * principle